How can I get my refund?

How can I get my refund?

Refunds & Compensation

If you are unsatisfied with an order or service from a takeaway and would like to get a refund, you can reach out to us through our live chat or email support and we will do our best to resolve your complaint.


For us to investigate your complaint it would be helpful if we have a few extra details in hand before we contact the takeaway on your behalf.

  • Order ID
  • Registered email address
  • Registered phone number 
  • Photographic proof in case anything is visibly wrong with your order

Refund Modes

  • Wallet
  • Card

Please check your app or the cancellation email to choose whether you would like the refund into your Foodhub Wallet or your card saved on file.

If you choose a wallet, which we highly recommend, you will get the funds immediately and you can re-order from a different takeaway. If you choose a card, the refund will be credited back to your card.

Please note due to FCA legislation a refund to your card may take 3- 5 working days to reach you, but please rest assured that you will receive your money in the shortest possible time.

In the case you do not receive the option on the cancellation email or do not select any of the above within 24 hrs, the funds will be sent back to your card automatically.

If the takeaway initiates the refund directly from the merchant, you will not receive the option for a credit to your wallet. The refund will get credited straight to your bank account within 3 - 5 business days.

NOTE: If you choose to receive the funds in the Foodhub wallet you will not be able to get the refund back to your card.



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